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playground [2009/05/15 17:08]
playground [2015/08/23 13:59]
Line 1: Line 1:
-#include <algorithm> 
-#include <cstring> 
-#include <math.h> 
-#include <stdio.h> 
-#include <stdlib.h> 
-#include <sys/time.h> 
-#include "SortingBenchmark.h" 
-#include "hybridsort/inc/hybridsort.h" 
-#include "cudpp/radixsort/inc/gpuradixsort.h" 
-#include "gpuqsort/inc/gpuqsort.h" 
-const std::string SortingBenchmark::algNames[] = { "bitonic", "radix", "radix_merge", "hybrid", "quick" }; 
-SortingBenchmark::SortingBenchmark(const char* dataBase, bool consoleOutput) 
- mConsoleOutput = consoleOutput; 
-#ifdef SQLITE3 
- if(sqlite3_open(dataBase, &mDataBase)) 
- { 
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(mDataBase)); 
- sqlite3_close(mDataBase); 
- exit(1); 
- } 
- char* createTableCmd = "CREATE TABLE results (size int, algorithm varchar, totalTime float, gpuTime float, uid int);"; 
- sqlite3_exec(mDataBase, createTableCmd, 0, 0, &mSqlError); 
-void SortingBenchmark::runBenchmark(int size, int numSeq, int repeat, int uid) 
- float* data = new float[size]; 
- float* dataCopy = new float[size]; 
- unsigned int* dataIntCopy = new unsigned int[size]; 
- warmUp(); 
- for (int i = 0; i < numSeq; i++) 
- { 
- fillRandomly(data, size); 
- for (int alg = 0; alg < ALGORITHMS_COUNT; alg++) 
- { 
- for (int k = 0; k < repeat; k++) 
- { 
- double gpuTime, totalTime; 
- memcpy(dataCopy, data, sizeof(float) * size); 
- memcpy(dataIntCopy, data, sizeof(float) * size); 
- sort(dataCopy, dataIntCopy, size, &gpuTime, &totalTime, alg); 
- saveResult(gpuTime, totalTime, size, algNames[alg].c_str(), uid); 
- } 
- } 
- } 
- delete [] data; 
- delete [] dataCopy; 
- delete [] dataIntCopy; 
-void SortingBenchmark::warmUp() 
-  const int size = 65536; 
-  int ddata[size]; 
-  size_t memSize = size * sizeof(int); 
-  cudaMalloc((void**) &ddata, memSize); 
-  cudaFree(ddata);   
-void SortingBenchmark::saveResult(double gpuTime, double totalTime, int size, const char* algorithm, int uid) 
-#ifdef SQLITE3 
- char command[2048]; 
- sprintf(command,"insert into results values (%d,\"%s\",%f,%f,%d);\n",size, algorithm, totalTime, gpuTime, uid); 
- int rc = sqlite3_exec(mDataBase, command, 0, 0, &mSqlError); 
- // Exit if we failed to insert data. 
- if (rc!=SQLITE_OK) 
- { 
- fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", mSqlError); 
- sqlite3_free(mSqlError); 
- sqlite3_close(mDataBase); 
- exit(1); 
- } 
- if (mConsoleOutput) 
- printf("Size: %d Algorithm: %s Total time: %f Gpu time: %f\n", size, algorithm, totalTime, gpuTime); 
-void SortingBenchmark::sort(float* data, unsigned int* dataAsInt, int size, double* gpuTime, double* totalTime, int algorithm) 
- struct timeval starttime, endtime; 
- gettimeofday(&starttime,0); 
- switch (algorithm) 
- { 
- case 0: break; 
- case 1: cudppRadixMergeSortf(data, size, gpuTime); break; 
- case 2: cudppRadixSortf(data, size, gpuTime); break; 
- case 3: hybridsort(data, size, gpuTime); break; 
- case 4: gpuqsort(dataAsInt, size, gpuTime); break; 
- } 
- gettimeofday(&endtime,0);  
- *totalTime = (endtime.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec)*1000.0 + (endtime.tv_usec - starttime.tv_usec)/1000.0;  
-void SortingBenchmark::fillRandomly(float* data, int size) 
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) data[i] = (float) rand(); 
playground.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/08/23 13:59 (external edit)